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Tourism Kelowna Participates in 10 Million Acts of Kindness Movement

Random+Acts+of+KindnessAfter a difficult year, Tourism Kelowna wanted to spread a little joy among the amazing people that make up the industry and personally thank them for the great service they provide.

That's where 10 Million Acts of Kindness came into play. Launched in Kelowna in the summer of 2021 by local entrepreneur, Crystal Flaman, this social movement project was aimed at inspiring kindness within the community and beyond. Small acts of kindness can go a long way and the movement's aim is to create a ripple effect in the world that can change people's lives.

Over 10 days in September, the Tourism Kelowna team hand-delivered over 100 hundred gift bags to front-line staff of Tourism Kelowna stakeholders, including coffee shops, art galleries, hotels, wineries, restaurants, and many more. The gift bags included a thank you note, local products, Love for Kelowna stickers, and a card that not only explained the initiative but also encouraged them to pay it forward with their own act of kindness.

Tourism Kelowna hopes this will create a ripple effect in the tourism and hospitality community - feel free to join the movement by doing something to bring smiles and warm hearts in your community.

Small acts such as helping someone in need, leaving a positive review for a local business, sending a note of gratitude, or paying it forward can go a long way. #10millionactsofkindness.


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Community Futures Helps Businesses

For over 30 years, Community Futures Central Okanagan has helped thousands of businesses start, grow and prosper in good times and bad. Over the past year COVID-19 has caused disruption for many businesses and Community Futures has been busy delivering emergency loans through the Rural Relief and Recovery Fund to help businesses impacted by the pandemic. To date, more than 100 local businesses have accessed over $3M in RRRF loans. See what two Central Okanagan businesses have to say about Community Futures.

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Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant

April 8, 2021 - The B.C. government will provide more than $50 million to help the 14,000 restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, gyms and fitness centres affected by the March 30, 2021, provincial health orders.

“We understand how greatly this group of businesses have been, and continue to be, impacted by the pandemic,” said Premier John Horgan. “This grant will provide the funds these businesses need to help them through this extraordinary time. As a community, we have come so far together in this fight against COVID-19. Let’s stay the course and we will get through this together.”

The new Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant will provide affected businesses with up to $10,000 in one-time funding to help with expenses like rent, insurance, employee wages, maintenance and utilities. The grant can also help cover unexpected costs that resulted from the restrictions, such as the purchase of perishable goods.

“Our commitment to support businesses is unwavering and our work to ensure that they have every opportunity to get past this pandemic will continue,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation. “We have reason to be hopeful and things will soon get better for all of us in British Columbia. In the meantime, our local businesses need us, and we need them. I encourage communities to BuyBC and shop local wherever you can.”

More than $50 million from the $345-million Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant program has been set aside for businesses through the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant. The individual amount a business receives will be based on the number of employees.

The Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant is open to eligible businesses of any size that have been in operation since Feb. 1, 2021. To ensure affected businesses can access the funds quickly, the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant has a streamlined application.

“COVID-19 has presented significant challenges for everyone in the restaurant industry,” said Mark von Schellwitz, Restaurants Canada vice-president, Western Canada. “We appreciate that the B.C. government continues to find ways to help the hospitality sector. This new grant will be of great benefit to many restaurants as they continue to adapt and change in response to the pandemic.”

Applications for the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant are expected to open the week of April 12, 2021.

Read more and determine eligibility

Province-wide Restrictions

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